Protecting Your Most Precious Possession: Your Home

Homeowners insurance can help protect your home from the unexpected. If your home is damaged, your belongings are stolen or someone gets injured on your property, it can help cover repairs or replacement, temporary housing, legal fees and more resulting from a from a covered loss. 

A blue house sitting on top of a hill.

Dwelling Coverage

Dwelling coverage can help pay to repair or rebuild your house if it’s damaged by a covered cause of loss

A house with a broken roof in the middle of it.

Personal Property Coverage

Personal property coverage can pay you for the personal items in your home that may be damaged or destroyed by a covered cause of loss

A gray and white image of a person with an x on his forehead.

Personal Liability Coverage

Liability coverage can help protect you in the event of a claim and can provide a defense in the event of a lawsuit if you or a family member in your household is responsible for causing bodily injury or property damage to others.

A man and woman holding a baby while standing next to another person.

Benefits of Home Insurance at BellTrust

  1. Protects your home and personal belongings from damage or loss caused by events such as theft, fire, and natural disasters
  2. Offers liability coverage for accidents that occur on your property
  3. Provides coverage for temporary living expenses in the event of a covered loss
  4. Offers coverage for additional living expenses if you need to temporarily relocate
  5. Helps to repair or rebuild your home in the event of damage or destruction